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  • If you’re planning a bank holiday getaway then be sure to read our tips on how you can make your journey a safe and stress-free one. Here’s IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman, to help you prepare for your trip. Because a little preparation goes a long way

    • Take some time to check your vehicle inside and out before you set off. Check the tyre pressure and fluid levels are right and make sure your car ancillaries are working properly
    • Secure your luggage in your boot so it’s out of the way and doesn’t obstruct your view
    • Give yourself plenty of time for the journey and check the news for any traffic updates and roadworks nearby
    • If you’re travelling during the early hours of the day or late in the evening make sure you take some rest beforehand and eat something light so you don’t feel sluggish before you leave
    • If you plan on using a sat-nav don’t forget to programme in the destination before you leave and check it. Leave plenty of time for the journey so you don’t find yourself pushed for time.
    • Make sure you take regular rest breaks to split up the journey when driving on a long, boring stretch of a motorway. It’s good practise to stop at least every two hours

    Richard said: “With so much planning involved in a holiday, many of us forget about the first bit – how we get to our destination.

    “If your journey is a long one, take some time to plan where and when you will be taking a break – just so you can get a little rest and have some water to stay hydrated. Enjoy the journey and more importantly, enjoy the getaway."

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