Arnage, a village within the perimeter of the Le Mans race circuit and place for race fans to gather and watch the plentiful exotic cars driving into the circuit area. The village is situated a short distance from the circuit and you can walk quite easily from the Arnage corner.
On the outer edge of the circuit, Arnage village has always been a popular place to wander to and observe the comings and goings of those arriving during the week. There are plenty of bars and restaurants to eat and drink while you watch the sideshows and a great way to enjoy an entertaining evening.
Arnage is renowned for being the epicentre of Mad Friday where you can see plenty of power being put down onto the tarmac, accompanied by much shenanigans to the amusement of the crowd (and unfortunately also the local Gendarmes).
Arnage is also very convenient to purchase supplies for the week from the 'Super U' supermarket, such as food, beer, camping gear and petrol/diesel for the cars and generators. https://www.magasins-u.com/magasin/superu-arnage.m36602
A recent attraction to run at Arnage on the Thursday before the race weekend is the local car show /Arnage dans la Course' put on by the village council. A small but rather nice show which includes; trade stands, beer and food tents and a fine selection of cars and motorcycles, including some historic race cars which regularly attend. https://arnagedanslacourse.com/
Arnage is a short walk from the Porsche Curves area of the circuit, one straight road with very little verge of pavements to walk on, so be careful as it's too easy to fall into the road or the ditches to each side of you (especially if you are inebriated).